Monday, October 06, 2008

Go ahead, ask me why I homeshchool.

One of my answers will be for you to watch these clip,

In a nutshell when children are publicly educated, they are taught the values of the public. Parents lose control over what there children are exposed to, how they are exposed to that material,and what they are taught to believe about that material.

Call me old fashioned, conservative, out-dated, whatever. It doesn't bother me. What does bother me is that issues that should be taught in the home by the parents are no longer being. Parents have no control. What the video does not say is that the parents were given no choice or warning about their children being taught homosexuality. Here is an excerpt of the email Rob, the second father in the video sent me;

"The Wirthlins sued their school district for not following Massachusetts
state notification law that says schools must notify parents of any sexually
related material that will be discussed in class. The school district said
they did not break the law because the book was read as part of the teachers
"families" theme for the week. And because same sex marriage is legal in
Massachusetts the district feels that it must be included, even though the
theme of "families" is not part of the curricumlum for 2nd grade. The
district refused to notify the Wirthlins of other such books that may be
read in the classroom in the future, OR let their son "opt" out of class and
go to the library while books of the same nature are read and discussed.
Their lawsuit is currently waiting to be heard by the Supreme Court."