Tuesday, October 13, 2009

out sourced

Last year was the first year that we had really out sourced any of our children. Seri was taking some classes.
this year has evolved to many of our children being out sourced and I have such a mixture of feelings about it.
Ser has:




Speech and Debate (although this year I am asking that she just focus on speech and not compete in debate.)


Michael is taking a Lego Robotics course which is really cool and right up his ally.

Isaac is taking keyboarding.

Sariah is taking music

The thing is the children love all of their classes and each one has classes that are geared towards their passions. It is a great opportunity for each of them. On the flip side it feels like we are all going in circles a lot of the time. driving this one here, that one there…. Rarely are we all together any more and rarely are we home for a whole day.

I really miss those days when our schedule was ours and it was rarely interrupted during the day by other things. We could just stay home and be together if we wanted or we could spend the whole day exploring. Just pack up and go on a field trip somewhere.

I feel as if that was one of the main reasons we decided to home school in the first place, so no one else would dictate our schedule. So, now that our calendar is running our lives I feel a little like I am not being true to the ideals I set for our family.

It’s a hard line to draw. What things are better and what things are best? Yes, all of these opportunities are great for my children but at what point is their greatness undermined by the lack of family time and down time and time spent on other more important things (scripture reading, family home evening, etc.) What if this is one of Satan’s ploys to distract me from the best by keeping me insanely occupied by the better?

Yet, on the other hand which of these things am I willing to let go of for my child. Which child should have to hear me say that I am asking them to stop an activity they enjoy?

Or, is it none of the above and just a result of my growing and changing family. Something I need to learn to accept and adapt to and relinquish what used to work for us but might not any longer?

Guess at this point only time and prayer will tell.

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