Monday, April 02, 2007


I adore having my children with me. This morning I got out of the shower and saw this. What more could you do than just stand there and watch them with your heart overflowing?

Michael loves to read to his siblings, and they love to be read to. Maybe they like to be read to a little too much. I am grateful that I have readers who read to each other and their siblings thus saving mom some time. I really think that they all benefit from this. The readers and the listeners.

Hard to believe that when Michael was in the first grade it was such a chore to get him to read. His teacher and the reading specialist were so "worried" about his reading that they suggested he be held back. "He would make a wonderful first grader next year" they told me.

I asked how he was doing in other subjects such as math and science and they replied that he couldn't do his math or his science because he was unable to read the worksheets! I as his mom knew that he was solid in his mathmatical operations and had a firm grip on scientific natures as well. Guesse it didn't matter because he was not on par with his age group in reading, forget the other subjects! How sad. One of these days I may sit and vent out that whole situation.

Now I see him reading all of the time. Cozied up in a corner, looking in the rear view window as he reads in the van, sitting at the kitchen table while eating his cereal, curled up next to me, his father or one of his siblings. No pressure, just pure enjoyment. Yes, this is how learning should take place........

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